EarthOil’s macadamia nuts come from small-scale African farmers in the Kenyan highlands, often the rejected nuts from the food-grade traders. This has assisted the small-scale farmers in establishing a separate income stream not open to them previously, helping make macadamia nut farming a viable industry for these marginalized farmers.
Collection and oil production
The macadamia tree bears fruit during the whole year in several growing stages; at the same time at certain periods of the year, the branches bear light pink-colored flowers with a delicate perfume. When ripe, the nuts, enveloped in a green, soft shell, fall to the ground. The nuts are collected in their shells at designated collection points and then transported to a facility where the nuts are cracked and processed into cold-pressed oil. Pressing produces the vegetable oil, which contains vitamin E, monounsaturated (oleic acid, palmitoleic acid) and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid. EarthOil has a large annual production capacity for cold-pressed macadamia oil, making EarthOil a significant player in the macadamia oil market. We can supply both organic and conventional grades of this natural emollient.
After manufacture, nothing is left from the nut. The oil is used in natural cosmetics or by the food industry, and the nut mass – the byproduct from the press (also called cake) – is used for animal feed. The shells produce energy for the factory, heating water and producing heat. EarthOil’s supply partner also takes care of its employees and their families, ensuing that their children are sent to school. A communal lunch, with dishes spiced with fresh coriander, ginger, and garlic, is part of daily life at the factory. Most employees have worked there for many years and consider themselves a big family, having learned the production methods from the bottom up and developed into other roles as time passes.
Uses and benefits of macadamia oil
Macadamia nut oil has a fatty acid profile similar to that of human sebum. It has good emollient and regenerating properties, is nongreasy, and has an ability to penetrate the epidermis of human skin. It contains one of the highest levels of palmitoleic acid , or omega 7, which is known to soften and promote skin elasticity. It also has one of the highest levels of monounsaturated fats (85 percent) of all lipids and is oxidatively stable, making macadamia an extremely versatile oil and a desirable ingredient in cosmetic and skincare applications.
Contact Earthoil for more information
EarthOil specializes in smallholding producer projects in remote areas. We can help you access these communities and be part of their growth and development. EarthOil welcomes visitors to its projects and encourages opportunities to meet the people and see firsthand the communities where we operate.

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