Enzyme Solutions for Powerful and Sustainable Washing Performance

Estamos empenhados em trazer ingredientes da próxima geração para o mercado de produtos domésticos que permitam aos nossos clientes produzir formulações com melhor desempenho e satisfazer as mais recentes exigências dos clientes para produtos de limpeza. A Univar Solutions orgulhosamente distribui as enzimas da Novozymes, líder mundial em inovações biotecnológicas. Juntos, oferecemos um portfólio de produtos de limpeza inovadores e sustentáveis com ingredientes projetados para melhorar o desempenho da lavagem e enfrentar os desafios mais difíceis da lavanderia.
Whether fighting tough stains, removing oily residue, maintaining brilliant colors or handling fabrics with care, we have the solution to meet all your needs for manufacturing laundry detergents, softeners and developing cleaning applications. Learn more about the science behind laundry enzymes.

Enzymes for Efficient Fabric Cleaning and Washing
Dirt comes in all shapes and sizes: proteins, starches, lipids, and other types can adhere to clothing and cause stains, which can be removed by using detergents that contain enzymes. The use of detergents, water at high temperatures and vigorous agitation can remove most types of dirt from pieces of clothing, at least initially. However, enzymes offer a natural solution to improve deep cleaning performance, reducing formulation costs and outlays in energy resources, while at the same time extending the useful life of materials.
The use of enzymes to help in washing allows laundry detergents to remove tough stains caused by proteins (milk, blood, grass and sweat), thickeners, pectins, starches and fats at lower temperatures and on shorter wash cycles.
Unleash the Power of Enzyme Detergents
If your brand wants to improve fabric care, tackle specific stain problems or reduce odors, the Medley® line of Novozymes enzyme products are powerful natural solutions.
Now distributing in the U.S. and Canada. Also serving Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Latin America regions.
An enzyme solution for every cleaning challenge
Novozymes' enzymatic solutions are simple yet powerful tools to help formulators address the following challenges for consumers:
- Complex stains in clothing and fabrics
- Fuzz and pills
- Grease stains
- Gum/ food thickener stains
- Starch stains
- Protein stains
- Redeposition of laundry dirt
How Multi-Enzymes Help Meet Your Laundry Needs
Proteases: Delivering premium washing performance
Most laundry detergents contain chelators to soften water and help with stain removal, but strong chelators can also remove the calcium ions crucial to the structural stability of the enzyme.
Novozymes has enzymes that are compatible with strong chelators, ensuring that your detergent continues to provide high performance after storage

Amylases: Combating stubborn starch-based stains
Most people know that foods like potatoes, corn and spaghetti contain starch. But starch is also found in fast foods, baby food and sauces, including broths, condiments and pasta sauces. Starch stains act like a glue for other dirt particles in the air and in wash water, making stains even worse. Amylase in detergents breaks down starch molecules into tiny sugars so they can be washed out.
Novozymes offers a range of high-quality amylases that perform well even at lower temperatures and alongside strong chelators. Amplify Prime 100 L works in all cycles and delivers effective washing performance with a dose four times smaller, making it compatible with compact forms of detergent.
Lipases: Removing the toughest stain for consumers — grease
Cooking oil, butter and fast food are responsible for everyday greasy stains. Most customers cook at home, but in recent years street food has become more common in many areas, along with the grease stains that it causes. Lipases are enzymes that attack stains containing fats and oils, breaking the lipid molecules down into smaller particles. Lipases work together with surfactants: surfactant micelles quickly absorb smaller quantities of lipid molecules.
Lipex ® Evity ® 200 L is just one of the Novozymes lipases designed for demanding conditions, including the presence of strong chelators and water-rich formulations. It offers excellent all-round performance on fat and oil stains, such as those from greasy foods, butter, oil, and even cosmetics.

Biosolutions to maintain fabric integrity
Cleaning with care cellulases: Brightening colors and restoring fabric softness
Com investimentos cada vez mais elevados em suas roupas, os consumidores buscam produtos para estender o máximo a vida útil dos tecidos. O processo de lavar roupa já é uma tarefa assustadora e tomar medidas adicionais para manter a integridade do tecido pode ser pesado para os consumidores. A celulase de limpeza líquida da Novozymes, a Celluclean, faz o branco ficar mais branco e as cores brilhantes, impedindo que partículas de sujeira na água da lavagem se depositem nas roupas limpas. A celulase oferece um alto desempenho mesmo em modos de lavagem ecologicamente corretos e evita a redeposição de sujeiras não branqueáveis, como tintas de jeans, sujeira de trânsito, partículas de argila e lama, evitando o envelhecimento do tecido e a diminuição da cor ao longo do tempo.
Novozymes also offers Carezyme Premium cellulase to preserve and restore the softness and color of cotton fabrics. These products deliver exceptional performance, even in cold washes and when strong chelators are present, and effectively remove unsightly fuzz and pills that build up on cotton fabric.
Did you know:
Enzymes cut detergent formulation costs. Partially replacing surfactants with enzymes in your formulation will reduce raw material costs, while reducing the impact of surfactant price hikes on your profitability.