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AMP-ULTRA PC® from Advancion

Agentes neutralizadores de aminoalcohol altamente eficaces

Advancion Chemical Company has set the benchmark for versatility and compatibility with their line of ULTRA PC™ globally compliant neutralizing agents for beauty and personal care products. AMP-ULTRA™ PC is a high-efficiency neutralizer for thickeners, carbomers and acrylate-derivative polymers. AMP-ULTRA PC neutralizers are proven to be stable in long-term storage conditions, offer a high safety profile, and process rapidly and easily. They also help in the formation of fully transparent gels. With a low molecular weight, formulators can often use less AMP-ULTRA PC for in-formulation neutralization compared to most other cosmetic-grade neutralizers. 

For high-alcohol formulations, neutralization with AMP-ULTRA™ PC offers high stability for viscosity and clarity in the presence of high ethanol content.



  • Sólido o líquido incoloro


  • Tambores
  • Contenedores
  • Baldes
  • Bolsas



  • AMP-ULTRA PC 1000 (sistema anhidro)
  • AMP-ULTRA PC 2000 (5% agua)
  • AMP-ULTRA PC 3000 (11 % agua)


  • Desinfectantes de manos
  • Aerosoles
  • Productos en aerosol
  • Geles y mousses de peinado
  • Lociones de pantalla solar
  • Productos refrigerantes para después del sol
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