At Univar Solutions,
Our (S)heroes Wear Lab Coats
Join our mission to inspire the next generation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Every day across the globe, diverse teams of Univar Solutions scientists and technical experts work tirelessly to develop solutions that help keep our communities healthy, fed, clean, and safe.
These men and women are making a difference. Yet women remain underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics careers worldwide.
We are on a mission to help change that.
Join us as we recognize our heroes, or (S)heroes, for their accomplishments in business and science and the trail they are blazing for the STEM (S)heroes of tomorrow.
From February 10 – March 31, 2021, every time you download, click, like, comment on, or share (S)heroes content, or participate in a (S)heroes event from our official campaign page, corporate YouTube channel or corporate LinkedIn page, we’ll make a $1 USD donation* to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs and organizations around the world.

*Univar Solutions will contribute $1 per download, click, like, comment, or share of (S)heroes content, or per participant in a (S)heroes event, from the official campaign page (www.univarsolutions.com/sheroeswearlabcoats), corporate YouTube channel or corporate LinkedIn page, up to an aggregate of $25,000 (US Dollars) to one or more qualified charitable organizations of Univar Solutions choice that maintain or support STEM programs. Automated or robotic responses (as determined by Univar Solutions in its absolute discretion) do not qualify for contributions. Recipients of donations shall be selected solely by Univar Solutions. The campaign begins on 12:01 AM on February 10, 2021 and closes on 11:59 PM on March 31, 2021; provided, that Univar Solutions contributions will cease upon achieving the $25,000 contribution limit.

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