
Surfactants and Sustainability: An Introductory Guide



Challenge: How can formulators determine the sustainability of raw materials and ingredients when no standard global definition exists?

Solution: This guide includes key technical considerations, examples of sustainable solutions formulated for consumer and industrial applications, and other helpful guidance to help formulators understand and meet product sustainability attributes.

What's in the guide

Our technical experts discuss key factors to consider when purchasing or formulating with more sustainable surfactants through this introductory guide.

What constitutes "sustainable" and why? With few universally accepted definitions and standards — and so many competing factors — how can development teams know which considerations and drivers are most important for a particular formulation’s application? What barriers might inhibit success in creating a more sustainable formulation or product, and how can they be overcome or minimized?

Download today for the answers to these and more questions about eco surfactants.

Download Our Guide 

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