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SEPAWA Congress 2022

Discover the future of clean

Stand E724-6.

Join us each morning for a complimentary smoothie, and meet our technical team to learn about our latest eco-friendly cleaning formulations.


Univar Solutionshomecare and industrial cleaning specialists will be attending this year's event in Berlin, Germany, and we are excited to show you the latest sustainable cleaning solutions and innovations. Our team of ingredient experts will be on hand to discuss any of your queries regarding formulation, products, and much more.


Want to schedule a meeting during the event? 

Use the calendar below to schedule the day and time you would like to meet. One of our representitives will follow-up to confirm. 

Download event collateral

Use the form below to access formula and ingredient information displayed in the booth. 


REMARQUE : Si vous ne recevez pas le message de confirmation dans les minutes suivant l'envoi de ce formulaire, vérifiez votre dossier de Courrier indésirable ou de Messages de groupe.