Refinery and plant turnarounds are an unavoidable part of the energy industry. Typical turnarounds involving commodity chemicals and mechanical cleaning processes make for long shutdown periods, requiring significant manpower and equipment and resulting in higher costs. It’s easy to view a refinery or plant turnaround as simply “the cost of doing business,”—until now.

Using innovative chemicals and technologies, we can help you create an optimized turnaround process that enables you to decontaminate and degas in less time, saving you money.

Let's create a better turnaround solution.

Our expert team is standing by, ready to help you gain a competitive advantage.

Turnaround solutions tailored to your needs

We can improve your plant’s efficiency with innovative chemistries

Using innovative, patented chemistries, we can design a turnaround solution that improves your asset’s overall efficiency, safety and financial performance. 

Our product portfolio includes specialized products from FQE Chemicals that can:

  • Save you time on critical operations 
  • Create safer processes and reduce exposure to hazardous conditions
  • Drive down your costs by reducing the need for manpower and equipment
  • Prepare for the challenges of tomorrow through continuous improvement and innovation

Rethink your approach to decontamination and degassing

We are ready to help you create a new approach to decontamination and degassing, fit for purpose to meet your requirements and operational needs. Univar Solutions has experience applying technical solutions across diverse industries, including refining, natural gas processing, petrochemicals, waste treatment and mining.

Each refinery or plant’s circumstances and needs are unique. Our extensive offering of innovative, patented chemistries can help you achieve specific results. We can create a custom turnaround solution that reduces downtime and operational costs and improves safety to support operational excellence at your facility. 

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Description: Aliquam lacus eros, suscipit at laoreet iaculis, ornare vitae leo. Aenean volutpat risus diam, nec fermentum magna blandit a. Nam mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Product name link sed nisl vel condimentum. Praesent nec lacus nisl. Ut ac tellus nisi. Nulla tempor consectetur enim, sed laoreet orci commodo vitae. Nulla facilisi. Donec eu felis sapien.
Mauris sapien magna, suscipit eu leo scelerisque, lobortis scelerisque arcu. Aenean lacus metus, ullamcorper non venenatis at, tincidunt et diam.

Optional Link

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“Lacus eros, suscipit at laoreet iaculis, ornare vitae leo. Aenean volutpat risus diam, nec fermentum magna blandit a. Nam mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel condimentum.”

Customer value
  • Aliquam lacus eros, suscipit at laoreet iaculis, ornare vitae leo.
  • Aenean volutpat risus diam, nec fermentum magna blandit a.
  • Nam mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel condimentum.
  • Praesent nec lacus nisl. Ut ac tellus nisi.
  • Mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel
Customer value
  • Aliquam lacus eros, suscipit at laoreet iaculis, ornare vitae leo.
  • Aenean volutpat risus diam, nec fermentum magna blandit a.
  • Nam mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel condimentum.
  • Praesent nec lacus nisl. Ut ac tellus nisi.
  • Mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel
Customer value
  • Aliquam lacus eros, suscipit at laoreet iaculis, ornare vitae leo.
  • Aenean volutpat risus diam, nec fermentum magna blandit a.
  • Nam mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel condimentum.
  • Praesent nec lacus nisl. Ut ac tellus nisi.
  • Mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel
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Aliquam lacus eros, suscipit at laoreet iaculis, ornare vitae leo. Aenean volutpat risus diam, nec fermentum magna blandit a. Nam mollis faucibus ante eu faucibus. Ut consequat sed nisl vel condimentum. Praesent nec lacus nisl. Ut ac tellus nisi.
Nulla tempor consectetur enim, sed laoreet orci commodo vitae. Nulla facilisi. Donec eu felis sapien. Mauris sapien magna, suscipit eu leo scelerisque, lobortis scelerisque arcu. Aenean lacus metus, ullamcorper non venenatis at, tincidunt et diam. Vivamus dapibus ipsum ante, a mattis arcu mollis sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc rhoncus felis a scelerisque gravida. Nunc porttitor, dui in ullamcorper eleifend, diam nibh iaculis risus, et sagittis justo neque vitae ligula. Vivamus semper placerat diam, at fringilla mi.


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Innovating at the intersection of science, technology and consumer trends, Univar Solutions partners with customers and suppliers to create high-performing products and sustainable formulations.

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